
Where is the heart, there is treasure; Where is the dream, there is the future; Where is t~~每个人都喜欢读相似的句子,由小编为你收集并整理了端午节英文文案必备200句供大家参考,希望能帮助到有需要的朋友。

1、The festival is a time for families and loved ones to come together and celebrate.

2、The festival marks the beginning of summer in the Chinese calendar.

3、The holiday is often associated with the color green, which is believed to represent vitality and longevity.

4、In addition to zongzi, people also eat other traditional foods during the Dragon Boat Festival, such as xiaolongbao (soup dumplings) and salted duck eggs.


6、From the delicious food to the exciting dragon boat races, there is something for everyone to enjoy during the Dragon Boat Festival.

7、The holiday is an important time for Chinese people to reconnect with their cultural heritage and traditions.

8、Dragon boat racing is a popular activity during the Dragon Boat Festival, with teams of rowers competing against each other.

9、The Dragon Boat Festival is believed to have originated in ancient China as a way to honor the patriotic poet Qu Yuan, who drowned himself in a river to protest against government corruption.


11、The festival is an opportunity to experience the vibrant and colorful traditions of ancient China.

12、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time to show reverence and respect for the natural world, and to express gratitude for its gifts and blessings.

13、One of the legends associated with the festival is that of Wu Zixu, a loyal minister who committed suicide to avenge the death of his lord.

14、On May 5, dragon boat, sweet dumplings, realgar wine, hang a sweet bursa away all bad luck, good friends, send text messages, I hope you good to have a sticky.

15、The Dragon Boat Festival is a major event in traditional Chinese culture.


17、Some people also believe that the Dragon Boat Festival has Taoist origins, and that it was originally a way to ward off evil spirits and ensure a good harvest.

18、In some parts of China, people will write their wishes or prayers on small slips of paper and tie them to the bamboo leaves of their zongzi before eating them.

19、Overall, the Dragon Boat Festival is a vibrant and significant cultural event in China. It not only showcases the traditional dragon boat races but also allows people to indulge in delicious food, honor a renowned poet, and seek blessings for their families.

20、The Dragon Boat Festival is a showcase of the rich persity and beauty of traditional Chinese culture.


22、The Dragon Boat Festival is not only celebrated in China, but also in other countries with significant Chinese communities, such as Singapore, Malaysia, and the Philippines.

23、The Dragon Boat Festival is a vibrant and colorful celebration of Chinese culture and tradition, one that is cherished by millions of people around the world.

24、In some parts of China, the festival is referred to as the "Day of the Sun" because of its association with the summer solstice.

25、The Dragon Boat Festival is also known as the Duanwu Festival in Mandarin.

26、In addition to the thrilling races, the festival is also known for its special food called zongzi. Zongzi are sticky rice dumplings wrapped in bamboo leaves, filled with various ingredients such as meat, beans, and nuts. Enjoying the delicious zongzi has become a significant part of the festival celebration.

27、The holiday is also associated with the concept of qi, or vital energy, which is believed to be connected to the body's internal organs.

28、Smelling the dumplings incense, missing float of the dragon, you and I are hundreds of miles apart, in the Dragon Boat Festival is more miss you! Because I want to share with you happy Dragon Boat Festival. I wish you a happy than I!


30、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time to celebrate the joy and wonder of life, and to express gratitude for the many blessings that enrich our existence.


32、In recent years, the Dragon Boat Festival has become increasingly popular in other parts of the world, with dragon boat races and other celebrations taking place in cities around the globe.

33、The festival is an opportunity to learn more about Chinese culture and history.

34、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time for communities to come together and to build bonds of friendship and trust that transcend differences of culture and language.

35、The Dragon Boat Festival is also a time for people to honor the natural world and to show gratitude for the bounties of the earth, such as the rice and other crops that sustain us.

36、Ai Ye Xiang, down the house. Let my blessing to the scent of a rice dumplings, to your side. The Dragon Boat Festival arrived, wish you and yours a happy happy!

37、The Dragon Boat Festival, also known as Duanwu Festival, is a traditional Chinese holiday celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month.

38、One of the most fascinating aspects of this festival is the dragon boat races. People row in long narrow boats, carved and painted like dragons, to compete against each other. The rhythmic sound of the drum beats during the races creates an electrifying atmosphere that attracts both participants and spectators.

39、Some people believe that the custom of racing dragon boats during the Dragon Boat Festival originated as a way to venerate dragons, which are considered powerful and benevolent beings in Chinese mythology.

40、happy, there is a pretty comfortable wandering in light, there is a kind of happiness was quiet, have a kind of have real, have a kind of friendship, have a long long, every day I wish, wish Dragon Boat Festival is happy!

41、The festival is also an important time for Chinese communities to come together and pass down their traditions to the next generation.

42、The festival is a time to remember and honor the wisdom and culture of ancient China.

43、Besides zongzi, another traditional food of the festival is xiongshuiji, a type of rice pudding.

44、In addition to zongzi, people also eat other traditional foods during the festival such as salted eggs and scallion pancakes.

45、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time to renew and strengthen bonds between friends and family, as people come together to celebrate and enjoy each other's company.


47、On this Dragon Boat Festival, let's appreciate and embrace perse cultures and traditions.

48、The festival promotes the spirit of teamwork and cooperation, as well as the value of perseverance and determination.

49、The Dragon Boat Festival is a great occasion to practice mindfulness and to appreciate the present moment, with all its joys and challenges.

50、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time for traditional crafts, such as making lanterns and carving calamus or moxa leaves into intricate patterns.

51、Eating zongzi during the Dragon Boat Festival is considered a way to pay respect to Qu Yuan's memory.

52、The origins of dragon boat racing can be traced back to the legend of Qu Yuan.

53、The Dragon Boat Festival is a great opportunity to experience the unique character of Chinese culture and to learn more about its rich history and traditions.

54、Some people believe that the seasonal migration of birds during the Dragon Boat Festival is a reminder to human beings to be mindful of the cycles of nature and to honor the earth's rhythms and cycles.

55、The Chinese government has designated the Dragon Boat Festival as a national intangible cultural heritage.

56、In recent years, the holiday has become a popular time to exchange gifts and celebrate with friends and loved ones.

57、The Dragon Boat Festival is a celebration of the principles of harmony, balance, and moderation.


59、In addition to zongzi, people also eat other regional specialties during the Dragon Boat Festival, such as yuanxiao (glutinous rice balls) in southern China and zongzi filled with red bean paste in northern China.

60、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time to express gratitude for the blessings of life and to pray for health, happiness, and prosperity.




64、The Dragon Boat Festival is a national holiday in Taiwan and Hong Kong, where it is celebrated with great enthusiasm and colorful festivities.

65、The Dragon Boat Festival, also known as the Duanwu Festival, is a traditional Chinese holiday celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month.

66、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time to uphold and promote the values of peace, justice, and human dignity, and to work for a more harmonious and equitable world.

67、The festival is a time to express gratitude and respect for the achievements of our forefathers.

68、The Dragon Boat Festival to send rice dumplings! I have here: symbol brown, a thriving business; Longfeng top reed, meaning gold placard nomination; Keeping in good health on behalf of lean reed thin for a happy!

69、wish a happy Dragon Boat Festival: bonus doubled again, career developed, further popularity helicopter again a little bit of fire, physical well-being bar again a bit, people see people love beauty more than a group of around them.

70、Many Chinese people believe that wearing a perfume pouch during the festival can protect against evil spirits.

71、Realgar wine, a yellow alcoholic beverage, is believed to have detoxifying properties and is consumed during the festival.

72、Whether you celebrate by eating zongzi, watching dragon boat races, or spending time with loved ones, the Dragon Boat Festival is a time to come together and celebrate the joy of life.

73、In Hong Kong, the Dragon Boat Festival is an official public holiday, and teams from around the world come to compete in the city's international dragon boat races.

74、Dragon boat arrived, don't forget to hang mugwort, doors, drinking rice wine, sweet bursa, of course the most important, is to eat more rice dumplings, ha ha!


76、The festival is a time for communities to come together and celebrate their shared history and culture.

77、In addition to zongzi, people also eat other sweet and savory snacks during the Dragon Boat Festival, such as fried dough sticks, rice cakes, and sesame balls.

78、The festival is celebrated with a wide range of activities including dragon dancing and rice dumpling making.

79、The Dragon Boat Festival is sometimes also referred to as the Poet's Festival in honor of Qu Yuan, who is regarded as one of China's greatest literary figures.

80、In recent years, the Dragon Boat Festival has also become a popular time for tourism in China and other countries.

81、Furthermore, the festival is an opportunity to pay tribute to the great poet Qu Yuan. Qu Yuan was a patriotic poet during the Warring States period, and his death by drowning in the Miluo River is commemorated during the festival. People throw rice dumplings into the river to prevent the fish from eating Qu Yuan's body and show their respect for his literary contributions.

82、The festival also has connections to traditional medicine, as many of the herbs used during the holiday are believed to have health benefits.

83、Dragon boat racing is a must-do activity during the Dragon Boat Festival.

84、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time to honor the great spiritual heritage of China and its people, and to express gratitude for the profound gifts of wisdom and inspiration that it has bestowed on humanity.

85、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time to honor and respect the ancestors who have come before us and to learn from their example.

86、Foliage layer, good luck; Mimi tight stick, continuous happiness; Happy lines, the embrace; Water, cordiality thick; Reed reed, wishes don't break!

87、Another highlight of the Dragon Boat Festival is the hanging of colorful silk threads and herbs, such as mugwort and calamus, on doors and windows. These are believed to protect people from evil spirits and bring good luck to the households. Families also put up pouches filled with herbs on children's necks to safeguard their health.

88、The holiday is also known as the Double Fifth Festival.

89、The history of the Dragon Boat Festival can be traced back over 2,000 years to the Warring States period in China.

90、Good heart is the root, and is this; A teacher is a party, friends is method; Able to endure is power; Will make is bright. Killing a yong, encounter trapped for; Little fool, big clear; Dragon Boat Festival is happy.



93、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time to celebrate the natural world and to acknowledge the importance of harmony and balance in our lives.

94、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time of reunion and family gathering, as people often travel long distances to be with their loved ones during the holiday.

95、During the Dragon Boat Festival, the Chinese send gifts of zongzi to friends and family members as a symbol of their affection and gratitude.

96、During the Dragon Boat Festival, people often wear sachets filled with fragrant herbs around their necks to ward off evil spirits and bring good luck.


98、Whether you are in China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, or another part of the world, the Dragon Boat Festival is a time to celebrate tradition, heritage, and the values that bring us together as a people.

99、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time for people to connect with their cultural heritage and to learn about the rich history and traditions of China and other Asian countries.

100、In addition to China, other countries that celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival include Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore.

101、In many countries, the Dragon Boat Festival is recognized as a cultural event and an opportunity to promote tourism.


103、The holiday is a time for families to get together and enjoy each other's company.


105、Zongzi, a sticky rice dumpling wrapped in bamboo leaves and filled with meat or sweet beans, is a traditional food eaten during the Dragon Boat Festival.

106、Some people believe that the origins of the Dragon Boat Festival can be traced back to ancient agricultural practices, such as the worship of the water god during the summer solstice.

107、The holiday falls on different dates each year in the Western calendar, but it is always on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month.

108、The Dragon Boat Festival is also an occasion for people to cleanse their homes and surroundings of negative energy and bad luck by performing rituals such as sweeping and smudging with herbs.

109、Traditionally, people would hang calamus and moxa leaves on their doors during the Dragon Boat Festival to ward off evil spirits and disease.

110、The Dragon Boat Festival is named after the traditional dragon-shaped boat used in the races.

111、Five colours new filament winding Angle reed; palm leaf wrapped in friend, friendly care reed is difficult; The door on moxa Ye Xiang, ping an health life forever. I wish a happy Dragon Boat Festival!

112、The Dragon Boat Festival provides an opportunity to reflect on the meaning and purpose of life, and to deepen our sense of connection with the larger cosmos.

113、People celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival by eating zongzi, participating in dragon boat races, and hanging mugwort leaves and colorful silk ribbons.

114、The Dragon Boat Festival, also known as Duanwu Festival, is a traditional Chinese holiday observed on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month.

115、Qu Yuan is honored as a patriotic hero who sacrificed his life for his country.


117、Brown son good sweet pleasant drunk, v. favor a cup of wine, a message, dragon boat to the attraction star shining, smooth road obstruction, to Harbin peace joy along. Wishing you and your family a happy Dragon Boat Festival!

118、In some parts of China, people also hang mugwort branches on their front doors during the Dragon Boat Festival to repel insects and other pests.

119、The Dragon Boat Festival is also a time for people to indulge in outdoor activities such as hiking, swimming, and picnicking, as the weather is warm and pleasant during the late spring and early summer.

120、In some regions of China, people will also light incense and candles and offer prayers to Guan Yu, a legendary warrior who is said to protect travelers and bring good fortune.

121、The festival is a joyous celebration of life and a time to renew one's spirit.

122、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time for young people to learn from the wisdom and experience of their elders, and to appreciate their guidance and support.

123、The origin of the festival can be traced back over 2,000 years to the Warring States period in China.

124、The festival has a long and rich history, and continues to be an important and cherished holiday in Chinese and Asian culture.

125、Another activity during the Dragon Boat Festival is dragon boat racing, where teams compete to paddle their elaborately decorated boats to the finish line.

126、Besides dragon boat racing and eating zongzi, people also participate in other activities during the Dragon Boat Festival, such as hanging calamus and wormwood, wearing perfumed medicine satchels, and bathing in a river with plant leaves.

127、The Dragon Boat Festival has been celebrated for over 2,000 years in China.

128、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time to celebrate the beauty and richness of life.

129、The Dragon Boat Festival is not only celebrated in China but also in other parts of the world with significant Chinese populations.

130、The festival is a time to enjoy the warm weather and the beginning of the summer harvest.


132、The Dragon Boat Festival involves a range of customs and traditions that vary depending on the local culture and history.

133、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time to honor the spirit of adventure and exploration, as embodied in the daring and courageous deeds of the dragon boat racers.

134、The Dragon Boat Festival is a testament to the power of ritual and symbolism in shaping human behavior and values.

135、The Dragon Boat Festival is one of the four major Chinese festivals, along with the Spring Festival (Chinese New Year), Mid-Autumn Festival, and Qingming Festival.

136、In addition to honoring Qu Yuan, the Dragon Boat Festival is also a time to remember other historical figures and events that have contributed to China's culture and heritage.

137、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time to celebrate the beauty and resilience of the human spirit, as embodied by the legendary poet Qu Yuan and others like him.

138、The Dragon Boat Festival commemorates the poet and minister Qu Yuan, who drowned himself in the Miluo River in 278 BC to protest against government corruption and tyranny.

139、Zongzi is a glutinous rice dish wrapped in bamboo or reed leaves.

140、Mugwort leaves, also known as ai ye, are used to ward off evil spirits and promote good health during the festival.

141、Originating in China, the festival is now celebrated in many parts of the world.

142、Eating zongzi is a traditional custom of the Dragon Boat Festival.

143、Honoring the traditions and culture of Dragon Boat Festival, may the day be filled with joy and good fortune.

144、Wishing you a joyful and auspicious Dragon Boat Festival, full of happiness and blessings.

145、Legend has it that people began making zongzi on the day of Qu Yuan's death to prevent fish and other creatures in the river from eating his body.

146、The Dragon Boat Festival is not only a time to celebrate tradition and culture, but also a time to reflect on the importance of teamwork and community.

147、As a national public holiday in China, many companies and government offices are closed during the Dragon Boat Festival.

148、On this special occasion of Dragon Boat Festival, let's appreciate the wisdom and strength of our ancestors.

149、Have a wonderful Dragon Boat Festival full of laughter, love, and joy!

150、The festival is a time to connect with ancient traditions and cultures.


152、Glutinous rice prices strong, Dragon Boat Festival dumplings. Friend SMS send rice dumplings, god wants to compare with. Let not trouble you grow taller, backgammon. Blood pressure to rise, not happy macleod high.

153、Let's celebrate Dragon Boat Festival with our loved ones and indulge in the festive spirit.

154、Happy Dragon Boat Festival! Let's share our blessings and joy with others.

155、The festival is a time for people to appreciate the natural beauty of the world around them.

156、During the Dragon Boat Festival, people often eat zongzi, which are glutinous rice dumplings wrapped in bamboo leaves. There are many different types of zongzi, each with its own unique filling.

157、The festival commemorates the death of poet and minister Qu Yuan during the Warring States period of ancient China.


159、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time for families to come together and share stories, memories, and reminiscences of past holidays and loved ones who have passed away.

160、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time to pay tribute to the great achievements of Chinese culture, such as art, literature, music, and philosophy.

161、When a mix good wishful stuffing, sweet auspicious luck; Health and line up, put in happiness large steamer; Out of the pan happy joy reed, sending out and peaceful spirit. Wish you happy Dragon Boat Festival!

162、The Dragon Boat Festival is a living example of how traditions and customs can be kept alive and passed down from generation to generation.

163、Happy Dragon Boat Festival! Let's honor the hero Qu Yuan and the legacy he left for us to embrace.


165、Suddenly WenYi Ye Xiang, wine to drink more; Shannon brown to pass in the world, realgar tasted bartender auspicious; For generations, the Dragon Boat Festival days and people strong. I wish you a happy Dragon Boat Festival in advance!

166、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time to celebrate cultural persity and to learn from one another's experiences and traditions.

167、Dragon boat racing is a popular activity during the Dragon Boat Festival, where teams of people race in long, narrow boats decorated with dragon heads and tails.

168、In addition to the traditional activities associated with the Dragon Boat Festival, many people also enjoy watching performances of lion or dragon dances and other cultural performances.

169、The holiday is sometimes called the Poet's Day, in honor of Qu Yuan's contributions to Chinese literature.

170、Reed fragrant incense, dragon boat has courage. Duck egg yellow is exquisite, you feel sweet. I hope you in the Dragon Boat Festival, happy, smile of brilliant and beautiful!

171、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time to acknowledge and celebrate the contributions of Chinese immigrants to global culture and society.

172、Let us take the spirit of the Dragon Boat Festival with us throughout the year, as we work together to build stronger and more united communities.

173、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time for people to reconnect with their roots and to appreciate the persity and complexity of Chinese culture.

174、The Dragon Boat Festival is also a time for spiritual reflection and renewal, as people seek to cultivate inner strength and wisdom.

175、Wishing you a wonderful Dragon Boat Festival full of love, happiness and blessings.

176、The festival is recognized as an intangible cultural heritage by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

177、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time to demonstrate national pride and regional customs, as well as to foster a sense of community and unity.

178、Another traditional activity on this holiday is eating zongzi, a type of glutinous rice dumpling wrapped in bamboo leaves.


180、During the Dragon Boat Festival, many cities around the world hold dragon boat races and cultural events.


182、The festival is a time to renew old friendships and make new ones.

183、The Dragon Boat Festival is considered an auspicious time for couples to get married or for families to adopt a new pet or plant.

184、In some areas of China, people also decorate their homes with mugwort leaves and calamus stems to ward off evil spirits during the Dragon Boat Festival.

185、Typically, dragon boat races involve teams of rowers paddling to the rhythm of a drummer, with large dragon-shaped boats.



188、The holiday is also a popular time to share stories about Qu Yuan and other Chinese legends.

189、In addition to the traditional activities associated with the Dragon Boat Festival, many people also enjoy watching fireworks displays and other nighttime spectacles.

190、The festival is a time to pay tribute to one of China's greatest poets, Qu Yuan.

191、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time for people to remember and honor the sacrifices made by Chinese heroes.

192、One of the most popular customs during the Dragon Boat Festival is eating zongzi, pyramid-shaped glutinous rice wrapped in bamboo or reed leaves.

193、The Dragon Boat Festival is believed to bring good luck and ward off evil spirits.

194、The festival is an opportunity for people to take a break from their busy lives and enjoy some relaxation time.

195、The Dragon Boat Festival has been recognized as a cultural heritage phenomenon by UNESCO since 2009.

196、May the festival bring you prosperity, health and happiness.

197、The separation is the together, the longer the more intimate, respectively. Can't see you in the night and day, I sincerely wish you. I want to tell you, the Dragon Boat Festival in particular, I miss you.

198、The festival is a time for people to come together and celebrate their similarities and differences.

199、Throughout history, the Dragon Boat Festival has been celebrated in different ways by different cultures around the world.

200、Where is the heart, there is treasure; Where is the dream, there is the future; Where is the love, there are always touched; Where you are, there is my sincere blessing, wish Dragon Boat Festival is happy!

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