


Aims and demands:

通过本单元教学,学生能熟练地运用表示“提供和拒绝帮助”的常用语;复习句子的成分---- 主语;了解纽约的发展历史和土著人被压迫的历史。

Importance and difficulty:

a handful of , worth, tear down, pass through, take possession of, die out ,turn away, now that

2. sentences:

A. Today Native Americans express their anger over this business deal.

B. This is because the surface of the earth is not flat but round.

C. Now that they could ride horses, it became easier to hunt the bison.

D. This in return had and effect of the food supply for wolves.

A. The first settlers on the plains were farmers.

B. The killing of the bison changed the whole wild life of the plains.

C. Whether he will come or not is unknown.

D. To see is to believe.

E. The learned should be respected.

4. Useful expressions:

A. Can I help you?

B. What can I do for you?

C. Let me….

D. Would you like …

E. Thanks….

F. That’s very kind of you.

G. That’s very kind of you, but…

Aims and demands: Develop the Ss’ reading ability

Importance and difficulty: Have a deeper understanding of the text

Teaching methods: reading ,discussing, exercises

Learning methods: To read independently , try to guess it meaning according to the text

Teaching aids: tape recorder and some slides


Find out how much the Ss know about the USA

T: As we have learnt in Book 3A . There is one word which you must learn before you visit the USA. What is it ?

Ss: Stand still and don’t move.

1. What is the capital of the USA? ( Washington. D C )

2. Who is the president of the USA?

3. Name three past presidents of the USA?

4. In which city is the tallest building? ( Chicago )

5. How many states are there in the USA? ( 50, 48+Alaska and Hawaii )

6. Which American president brought and end to slavery and was shot in a theatre?

7. What was the gold rush?

The time when thousands of people went to California to look for gold.

8. Where are the two Disneylands?

9. What is the name of the center of the film industry in Los Angeles? ( Hollywood )

10. What prize is given to film actors and directors? ( An Oscar )

Read the text fast to get a general idea. And tell which of the following subjects are mentioned in the text? ( text book )

Population History Government Sports Weather Transport Parks Buildings

Find out the facts that happened in the following years and give a description of the development of New York.

1. In 1524 : an Italian explorer discovered a group of islands on the east coast of the USA at a point where several rivers flow into the ocean.

2. In 1626 : the island of Manhattan was bought from local Indians , Native Americans , for a handful of goods worth about .

3. From 1789 to 1790: New York became the capital of the USA .

4. By 1820 : the population of New York had grown to about 125,000 , making it the largest city in the USA.

5. In 1858 : an area of poor housing, factories and farm buildings was torn down and Central Park was created.

6. In 1892 : the age of mass arrivals began and 15 million new people passed through Ellis Island into the USA over a period of 62 years.

7. Around the year 1900 : the building of skyscrapers in New York began.

8. In 1913 : a 55-storey building went up.

9. In 1931 : the Empire State Building was completed and it was the tallest building in the world then.

Step 7. Comprehension exercises:

Reading comprehension for 3 B Unit 13 ( Lesson 49) CDBCD BDDC

1. The passage is about _____.

A. about the history of New York

B. about the development of buildings in New York

C. a brief introduction to New York

D. about the characteristics of New York

2. Which one is not true?

A. New York is a harbour.

B. New York was owned by the local Indians.

C. New York was the capital of the USA.

D. New York is the political center of the USA.

3. “Native Americans” are _____.

A. American citizens B. local Indians

C. black people D. New York citizens

4. Which sentence is true?

A. Central Park is a natural park.

B. Central Park is a good place to study in.

C. Central Park is an entertainment center.

D. Central Park is a perfect place for rollerskating.

5. The age of mass arrivals began in ____.

6. The phrase “turn away” in paragraph 3 means___.

7. “New York never sleeps.” Means ____.

A. people in New York work the whole day.

B. people in New York enjoy night life very much

D. all kinds of services are offered at night in New York

8. That the buildings in Manhattan become higher and higher cannot prove that ____.

A. the competition is becoming more fierce

B. more and more business and trade take place there

C. the building technology is becoming more advanced

D. New York is a good place for people to live in

9. People are of different opinions that New York is a city of ____.

A. short history B. heavy transportation

C. only one culture D. big population


Aims and demands : Develop the students’ listening , speaking, reading and writing ability

Importance and difficulty : Have a good understanding of the text

Teaching aid: text book , some slides, pictures

Teaching procedure:

1. Check the homework Exercises:

2. ask some questions: comprehension exercises

Now more and more people went to America. Do you know how first people went to America?

Review something about Australia.

1. Do you remember how the first people come to Australia?

The first people crossed into Australia from Asia on a great land bridge when the water level of the oceans was lower.

2. What were they once called?

In the past they were known as “ aborigines”, which means “ the first people of a country”.

3. What are they called now?

They are now known as Kooris.

4. How did they make a living ?

They made a living by hunting and picking fruits from the trees.

5. What are the famous animals in Australia? (which are disappearing)

Kangaroo, Koala , dingo…

T: Then how about America?

6. How did the first people come to America?

They arrived by crossing a land bridge from Asia to America.

7. Who were the first settlers in America?

Native Americans Who were known as local Indians.

8. How did they make a living ?

They made a living by hunting and killing wild animals, by gathering foots, nuts and wild fruits.

9. What kind of animal is very famous but it is disappearing now? ( bison / bisons / wild horses)

T: Today we are going to learn Lesson 50----- THE BISON ON THE PLAINS OF AMERICA

Read the text and find out: Which words and phrases do the woods in bold in the text refer to?

Read the text again and do the comprehension

Step 6. Questions:

1. In what ways did the settlers treat the Native Americans unfairly?

The settlers killed them, forced them to leave their hunting grounds, broke agreements which they had made, forced them onto poor land, and killed most of the bison on which Native Americans had relied for food.

2. What caused a big change in the wildlife on the plains?

The killing of large numbers of bison changed the whole wildlife chain on the plains.


Reading comprehension for 3B Unit 13 Lesson 50 ACCDD DABD

1. What’s the general idea of this text?

A. While the settlers moved westwards, their killing of great numbers of bison destroyed the Native Americans life as well as the balance of the plains of America

B. The bison on the plains of America lived a poor life.

C. The struggles between the settlers and the Native Americans were fierce.

D. Settlers ruined Native Americans’ life.

2. Which is not true?

A. The Native Americans’ life depended on nature.

B. The Native Americans lived a hard life.

C. The Native Americans grew grains and raised animals.

D. The Native Americans lived a free life.

3. What brought by the settlers was ( were) good for the Native Americans?

A. Their culture. B. Their trade.

C. Their horses D. Their railways.

4. Bison was a treasure for Native Americans because _____.

A. they used bison to make themselves more beautiful

B. they used bison to carry goods

C. they used bison to make money

D. they couldn’t live without bison

5. “Object” in paragraph 3 means ____.

6. The settlers’ killing of lots of bison had __purposes.

7. The settlers’ killing of the bison made ____.

b. Native Americans lose more land

c. Native Americans live a poor life

8. The change in number of bison had a great effect on the plains because ___.

A. bison was the most important part in the wildlife chain

B. bison was one part in the wildlife chain

C. bison was very important to the Native Americans

D. bison was very important to the grass and soil

9. This text is ____.

A. an animal story B. an old tale

D. an animal story as well as a historical story

Exercises: Fill in the blanks or complete the sentences or translate the sentences:

1. The little boy got a handful of rice to feed the chickens.

2. Only a handful of people attended the dance/ ball.

3. He bought a book worth over .

4. New York is a city worth a visit / visiting.

非常值得参观 well worth a visit / visiting

well worthy of a visit / visiting

5. By 1820 the population of New York had grown to about 125,000 ,making it the largest city in the USA.

6. 到昨天下午5点钟(以前),他们已经做了一半的工作。

By 5 p.m yesterday they had already done half of the work.

7. 到下个星期天我们将完成这项工作。

By next Sunday we’ll have finished the job.

8. 杰克只学不玩,这使得他成为一个呆笨的孩子。

Jack had all work but no play, making him a dull boy.

9. The workmen tore town the old houses and built a new one in its place.

10. Behind our school is a vegetable garden, reaching down to the river. (延伸到河边)

11. He passed through the doorway and entered the room.

12. His grandpa went through many dangers during the war. (经历了许多危险)

13. They would go through fire and water (赴汤蹈火)to serve the people.

14. Because the hall was full, many people were turned away.

15. He never turned away anyone who asked for help .

16. He bought the car in 1988, then a modern type in China.

17. A 55-storey building went up in 1913.


New buildings are going up everywhere.

18. What does “New York never sleeps” mean?

All kinds of services are offered all night long.

Many service sectors (服务行业 ) work round the clock.

1. 既然你已经康复了,你就可以和我们一起工作了。

Now that you are well again, you can work with us.

2. 既然你的工作已经完成了,你就可以走了。

Now that you have finished your work, you may go.

3. 食品供应源源而来。

Since 1978 , food supplies have been coming in large numbers.

4. 战争期间,我们士兵杀死了大量的敌人。

During the war, our soldiers killed the enemy in great / huge numbers.

5. From 1830 on / onwards in the USA, and from about 1870 in Canada, settlers began to move westwards and to take possession of the plains as their own.

6. At midnight they crossed the river and took possession of the village.

7. You can’t take possession of my house until all the papers have been signed.

8. Though busy, they still objected to putting off the meeting.

9. The settlers killed the bison, cut off the skins and left the bodies behind to rot.

10. They refused to give in (投降)and fought to the end.

11. Mother kept inviting Mrs Smith to stay for lunch, and finally she gave in.

12. Mary usually has to give in to her brother.

13. The ground supported few plants, and the insects which lived on these plants died out.

be dying for 渴望,很想…

be dying to do… 很想做…

A. These animals have already died out .

B. I am dying for a cup of tea.

C. The fire died out.

D. The noise died away.

E. She is dying to see you.

F. She died of old age.

14. These boys were called in turn to see the headmaster.

15. The arrival of the European settlers had a great effect on the life of Native Americans.


课题:Starter Module1 Unit3



教学重点:This is my… She/He is …







T: This is my friend…

S: Hello, … This is my father…

T: Nice to meet you.

S: Nice to meet you, too.


1)复习打招呼的用语Good morning/Good afternoon/Good evening。


What’s your name? I’m …

How are you? I’m fine, thank you.

3)练习向别人介绍某人This is …


1)Work in pairs part7

2) Listen and number

3) Write the sentences.



Complete part3


AUnit9 I like music that I can dance to(第1课时)





掌握本单元基本词汇,学会恰当的使用引导词that ,who


1)掌握功能句“What kind of music do you like ?  I like music that I can dance to .    I love singers who can write their ownmusic.”





1)本节课的教学重点是学会并掌握先行词为物或者人时,引导词“that ,who ”的使用方法。

2)“prefer …to…”的用法

3)掌握有关音乐的词汇和相关的词组,能够比较流利地描述自己喜欢的音乐,运用功能句 “What kind of music do you like ? I like music that I can dance to .      I love singers who can write their own music.”






自制多媒体课件(PowerPoint);录音机(A tape recorder)



⑴ Warming up

⑵ Discuss: Do you like music? What kind ofmusic do you know?

⑶ There aremany kinds of music such as pop ,jazz, rock……. Let Sstalk about the kinds of music..(多媒体出示)

⑷Let Ss read 1a. Explain the sentences:

I prefermusic that has great lyrics=I like music that has great lyrics better.

lyrics:the plural form is often used.

Ask Ss topractice in pairs then make up a short passage using the four sentences on thescreen.


Explain attributive clauses.


I love singers who write their ownmusic

I like music that I can dance to.

a. that即可代表事物也可代表人,which代表事物;它们在从句中作主语或宾语,that在从句中作宾语时常可省略关系词,which在从句中作宾语则不能省略。而且,如果which在从句中作“不及物动词+介词”的介词的宾语,注意介词不要丢掉,而且介词总是放在关系代词which的前边,但有的则放在它原来的位置

b. which作宾语时,根据先行词与定语从句之间的语义关系,先行词与which之间的介词不能丢

c. 代表物时多用which,但在带有下列词的句子中用that而不用which,这些词包括all,anything, much等,这时的that常被省略

d. who和whom引导的从句用来修饰人,分别作从句中的主语和宾语,whom作宾语时,要注意它可以作动词的宾语也可以作介词的宾语

e. where是关系副词,用来表示地点的定语从句


Fill inthe blank with who that

1).I have a brother _______likes soccer.

2)Tom doesn’t like movies_______are too long and too scary.

3) We prefer groups ________ play loud and energetic songs.

4) He likes friends_________ often help each other


1) Askand answer in pairs:

What kindof music do you like best? Why?

I like popmusic/classical music/jazz music/country music/dance music, etc. And tell thereasons.

2) Listento four pieces of music .Then practice the conversation in pairs.

3) Showseveral pictures and introduce their favorite singers ,groups and so on..

4) Practice in pairs and talk about their favorite kinds ofsongs, singers and groups.

5) Listenand complete 1b,2a and 2b.



I love singers who write their ownmusic

I like music that I can dance to.

who / that 在定语从句中做主语时,谓语动词的单复数应与先行词保持一致

I prefershoes that are cool.

I like apizza that is really delicious.

I lovesingers who are beautiful.

I have afriend who plays sports.


Write a composition about the kinds of the friends they likeand dislike





3.人教版《雨说》 教学设计































1. 目的与要求


(1)了解有关the USA , New York的一般情况,如:人口,历史,政府以及the bison等


(3)在帮助学生提高阅读能力的同时,帮助指导学生如何运用英语介绍某一地区(城市或国家)的能力并能缩写课文(100-150 words ).




c.将课文改写成100-150 words短文;

(以上能力目标,a. 三会, b. 二会,c.一会。)

2. 本单元重点知识:

(1)单词和词组:tear v. turn v. rot vi. shoot n.

tear down ,turn away ,have an effect on

take the possession of ,a handful of ,give in ,

make an agreement with ,have trouble with ,

now that ,


① tear : to break by pulling apart 撕开,撕裂

tear down :to destroy a building 拆毁(建筑)

Paper tears easily . 纸容易撕破。

She tore the table cloth in half . 她把那块桌布撕成两块。

The boy tore the letter open . 把…撕开

He tore the picture into pieces . 把…撕成碎片

John torn up his test paper so that his mother wouldn’t see his low grade . 撕碎

They tore the old building down in order to build a new one . 拆毁

② turn v. or link v.


turn on / off / up /down (用于电流水的)

开 / 关 / 开大 / 开小

turn up : appear

The pop star didn’t turn up at the party . 出场

turn away (本单元为”to refuse to admit “)


The hotel porter turned away anybody who wasn’t wearing a collar and tie . 拒绝……进入

He turned up his coat collar to keep out the wind . 翻起

She turned away in horror at the sight of so much blood. 转身不看

I turned in bed all night ,I couldn’t sleep because of the heat . 辗转反侧

She turned the car into a narrow street (onto the highroad ). ……开进一条狭小街道(开上高速公路)

I found that the milk had turned sour . 变酸(link v. )

The young soldier didn’t turn against his country ,instead he gave his life to his country . 背叛

Mary picked up a wallet on her way home and she turned it in to the teacher the next morning . 上交

The thief was turned over to the police. 移交

He is a good man you can turn to for help . 求助


③ rot vi. : go bad corrupt 烂,腐败;Vt. 使……烂

Some apples rotted on the tree .

The wood of the stairs has rotted away in pieces .

④ shoot n. 幼芽,幼枝;

shoot vi. vt. 开枪,射中;


There are a lot of new shoots on the tree .

The old man heard two shots walking through the woods.

The soldier fired a shot . ……开了一枪

The man shot at the bird ,but he didn’t shoot it .


⑤ have an effect on 对……产生影响

Punishment will have a bad , but not a good effect on a child who does something wrong .

⑥ take the possession of 占有;夺取

⑦ a handful of 少量的

⑧ give in 屈服,让步

⑨ make an agreement with 与……达成协议

⑩ have trouble with 因苦恼;同……有矛盾

now that 既然

3. 本单元应掌握的难点知识:



A bison is a large animal found on the American plains .(名词)

This is the room Mr Lu Sun once lived in .(代词)

She is a quick girl .(人称代词)

The old are taken good care for in their own family . (形容词)

Two times five is ten .(数词)

Fishing is interesting . (动名词)

To save money now is impossible to us students .(不定式短语)

What surprised me most was that it seemed to be a few days before a new house was set up . (主语从句)




① 由and连接的名词作主语时

a. 如果由and连接的两个名词(不同概念)作主语时,谓语动词要用复数形式。如:

Tom and Jack live in Room 305.

Both you and I are to be sent to Tibet.

What he said and what he did agreed with each other.

b. 当and连接的两个名词指同一个人、同一件事或一概念,这时and后面的名词前没有冠词,其谓语动词用单数形式(这里and相当于as well as )。如:

The singer and composer is coming to our school .


Bread and butter is often served for breakfast in our dining hall .

(比较:The boy and the girl were given a book each .每个同学都分得一本书。其中 “each”是同位语,句中主语为复数。)


常见的由and连接的两个名词指由一个概念的形式有:the needle and thread针线,salt and water盐水,the or and knife刀叉,soap and water肥皂水,iron and steel钢铁等。

C. 由and连接的两个并列主语为单数概念。主语前面分别由each , every ,no等词来修饰时,其谓语动词为单数形式。

Each doctor and each nurse was sent for .


Every boy and every girl is able to go to school in that village .


注意:more than one和many a 修饰的单数名词后面的谓语用单数形式,但其意义是复数。


More than one student is fond of folk- music .


Many a boy enjoys playing foot-ball .


② 当主语后面接说明主语的修饰词或插入语时,谓语动词的数不受修饰成份的影响,仍同主语的关系一致。

这些修饰成分常见的有:with, along with , togeth whit (和…一起);as well as (还) ;like (像);no less than (不亚于);rather than (而不是);more than(多于);as much as (如…一般多);but ,except(除了……);besides (除了……还……);including包括;in addition to(另外)等引导的一个修饰结构,放在主语后面。如:

The old man , along with his two grandsons, often have a walk in the evening .

Jenny , as well as her friends , is going abroad .

The house ,including the garden and the garage ,was sold out .

③ 当集合名词作主语时


如:# The whole nation regard Premier Zhou Enlai as one of the greatest leaders .

(句中 “nation” 表示“全国人民”谓语用复数)。

注: 集合名词作主语时,谓语动词用单数还是复数,取决于它强调的内容,如果一个名词作为一个整体看待,谓语动词用单数形式,表示“全体一致的行动”或者“群体关系”;当谓语动词表示“身份”、“情感”或强调“每个成员”时,用复数形式。如:

The audience was in good order .


The audience were greatly encouraged .


常用的集合名词有:group ,class ,team ,family ,nation ,army ,crowd ,audience ,public, government , majority(大多数)等。


④ 就近原则

以连词or either…or neither…nor not only…but also…连接的名词或代词作主语时,谓语动词与其相邻的那个名词的数一致。

如: # Among the boys ,one or two are able to jump 1.6 metres .


⑤ 以 “某些不定代词或表示数量的词 + of + 名词”的结构,谓语形式要与of 后的名词保持一致。

常见的这类词有:all , some , a lot , plenty , any , part ,the rest ,one-third percent + of

如: 70 percent of the surface is covered with water .

70 percent of the farmers have impoved their living conditions .

⑥ 有些不定代词或表示数字的名词修饰的名词或词组作主语时,句中谓语动词用复数。这类词组常用的有:few (of ) , a few , both , both of ,a number of + 复数名词+谓语动词(复数)

如: # Few of the students were in the classroom yesterday , for it was Sunday .


[注]:在 “ a number of + 名词(复数)” 结构中,“复数名词”是中心词,“a number of ”作定语,谓语用复数形式;而在 “ the number of + 名词(复数)” 结构中, “the number “是“中心词”,谓语动词用单数形式。如:

A number of questions were always asked when the manager got to his office .

The number of the students in this school is 1,560.

[注] 当 “the number”.表示“…数量或号码”时,谓语动词用单数。如:

The number of the key is 207.

⑦ “the + 形容词(分词或数词)” 结构起名词作用时


The young are able to create their own future.

There was an old lady and a young girl in the park . The young was the daughter of the old .

The wounded were taken to hospital without delay .

⑧ 表示重量、距离、金钱,一段时间及由one and a half修饰的复数名词作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。如:

Twenty dollars isn’t enough to buy the book .

Ten miles isn’t far .

Five times six is thirty.

One and a half apples was left on the plate .







________want to work in Xinjiang after graduation.

A. Not only Ann but also her friends B. Neither Ann nor Tom

C. Either Ann or her friend D. Nobody but Ann





1. 检查方式

(1) 按课文有关人口,历史,政府等分项复述课文,然后,再复述全文;

(2) 群体复述课文 ( Retell in group )


2. 同步训练

① 课文要点训练

I. 单词拼写(计分10)

1. Many Europeans e______ the continent of Africa in the 19th century. 1___________

2. The moment old Jonh put a h________ of sweets on the chair by the bed , little Tom ran towards to it . 2___________

3. India gained i_______ from Britain in 1947. 3___________

4. Marx once said that labour c________ man itself . 4____________

5. After reading the letter from her boss , Jane t______ it up and threw

it into the dustbin. 5____________

6. I wouldn’t think it w______ to ask him join the club─he’ll only refuse. 6____________

7. Bob was a shy boy ,and he always sat a _____ from the other children. 7____________

8. This medicine has an u_____ taste , but it is of great help. 8____________

9. Ann asked Jim to give up smoking not only because she o___ to the smell. 9___________

10. About 70 percent of the p_______ in China are peasants . 10___________

Ⅱ. 单项选择(计分15)

11. Will you please ______ the radio ? The baby is sleeping.

A. turn off B. turn down C. turn up D. turn on

12. The husband coughed day and night .It’s the wife’s fault for giving______ to him so that he didn’t stop smoking .

A. up B. off C. in D. out

13. -Why ______ they ______ the building?

-Because another new one is to be built there .

A. have been destroyed B. did pull down

C. do remove D. are turning down

14. -It is the people who ______ history.

-And labour ____ man itself .

A. create created B. created invented

C. discover made D. invent creates

15. ─I have much difficulty _______ maths.

─Well , I have some trouble________ the English pronunciation.

A. in with B. in learning with C. with in D. in in

16. -You shouldn’t ______ from the girls in your class.

-But I don’t like ______ .

A. keep away being laughed at B. keep to laugh at

C. turn away to be laughed at D. return laughing

17. Last year some over _____ buildings ______ in the city.

A. 20-story were set up B. 20-storey set up

C. 20-storied had set up D. 20-floor had been set up

18. The old mother was _______ to hear that her daughter had a ____ journey.

A. pleasant pleasant B. pleased pleased

C. pleased pleasing D. pleased pleasant

19. -The young mother ______ her baby Jimmy.

-Really ? My brother ______ Jimmy , too .

A. calls names B. named is named

C. named was named D. called calls

20. Old Jack made a living _____ waste paper ,while his brother _______on slaves .

A. by selling made money B. to sell was rich

C. with lives D. on earns his living

21. _____ about three hundred people _____ the local illnesses ____ in that area.

A. As is known to us die from one year

B. It is said that die of a year

C. As we know are killed per year

D. It is reported that kill every year

22. _____ you are unwell , I’ll go to the meeting instead .

A. Because B. For C. Now that D. Though

23. We come to realize that we have to try our best to create a new life _____ our own and ______our own .

A. with , by B. on with C. of by D. for on

24. Don’t you think what to learn in class ____ the same effect ____ the character of the students ______ what to learn through practice ?

A. has on as B. have for as C. is in that D. are to from

25. Which of the following is NOT correct ?

A. Japan faces the Pacific on the east .

B. Taiwan lies in the east of Fujian belonging to China.

C. North of the United States lies Canada .

D. Britain stands to the northwest of France.



26. All of the work _____ finished and neither the teacher nor the students _____ enough time now .

A. is , has B. is , have C. are , has D. are ,have

27. What I saw ______ two boys running after the thief .

A. is B.are C. are D. were

28. This exercise on agreement of subjects and verbs ______ easy for you .

A. is B. was C. was D. were

29. Here _______ the papers you ask for .

A. is B. was C. were D. are

30. There ______ to be many arguments on both side.

A. seems B. is C. seem D. are

31. Half of the money ________ to you and half of the books _______ to you , too .

A. belong, belong B. belongs , belongs

C. belong, belongs D. belongs, belong

32. Taking pictures _______ not only young men but also many of the old people .

A. are interested in B. are interesting

C. interests D. is interested in

33. Ten minutes _______ more than enough time to complete this exercise.

A. are B. is C. were D. was

34. One hundred and fifty pounds _______ what you should weigh.

A. are B. maybe C. should be D. is

35. You are the one who ______ wrong that Susan is one of those people who ______ out of their way to be helpful .

A. are , goes B. are , go C. is , go D. is , goes

36. Where and when to go ______ Jack since his graduation from college .

A. has been troubling B. has been troubled

C. have troubled D. have been troubling

37. Six eights _____ forty- eight , while six times nine _____ fifty - four .

A. is , are B. are , is C. is , is D. are ,are

38. Nobody but you _______ going to London on business next month.

A. are B. were C. is D. was

39. It ________ Tom and John who ______ here yesterday preparing for today’s experiment.

A. were, were B. are , were C. was , were D. is , were

40. None of the four boys ______ a good swimmer two years ago , but now all of them ______ able to swim across the river .

A. was , are B. is , are C. are , are D. was ,is

Ⅳ. 完型填空(计分20)

Chicago --- lying in the east of the USA--- is a rather young American city . It was 41 completely rebuilt 42 the Creat Fire of 1871. One’s first impression of the city may 43 streams of cars running to and 44 on the highways , skyscrapers and the wide green water of Lake Michigan , 45 lies to the northeast of the city . The 46 of the city is over 228 square miles 47 a population of about 3 million .

The 48 of Chicago on the whole is almost the same as 49 of Beijing with 50 hot days in summer , 51 and fresh days in 52 and icy but often 53 days in winter . The spring in Chicago is 54 changeable in temperature. For instance, I saw a snowfall in early 55 this year 56 some of the flowers were already in 57 bloom . Chicago is also famous 58 its frequent strong winds , and 59 it has got the name of “ the 60 City .”

41. A. most B. almost C. mostly D. merely

42. A. before B. since C. after D. when

43. A. have B. mean C. be D. include

44. A. from B. above C. down D. along

45. A. when B. that C. which D. where

46. A. land B. measure C. area D. size

47. A. having B. with C. for D. and

48. A. climate B. weather C. temperature D. season

49. A. which B. it C. the one D. that

50. A. fairly B. rather C. much D. too

51. A. colorful B. colorless C. colour D. coloured

52. A. spring B. winter C. fall D. summer

53. A. clean B. clear C. cleaning D. clearly

54. A. little B. bit C. a lot D. a little

55. A. April B. May C. January D. June

56. A. and B. but C. when D. while

57. A. full B. filled C. filling D. full of

58. A. as B. for C. of D. with

59. A. in fact B. in a word C. as a result D. above all

60. A. Snowy B. Windy C. Rainy D. Sunny

V. 阅读理解(计分25)

( A )

Christopher Columbus discovered America on the 12th of October , 1492. He had spent eighteen years in planning for that wonderful voyage which he made a cross the Atlantic Ocean .The Spanish king and queen ,who were interested in finding a sea route to India ,offered him ships and men so that he could carry out his plan . He crossed the Ocean and discovered strange islands ,inhabited ( vt. 居住于) by people unknown to Europeans .He believed these islands to be part of India.

Early in 1493, Columbus returned to Spain. There was great rejoicing(欢庆)in the country , and he was hailed(欢呼)as the hero who had made an epoch-making discovery .Crowds of people lined the streets to do him honour , and the king and queen welcomed him to their palace. Never had such respect been shown to any common man.

61. Christopher Columbus discovered America ________.

A. on the 12th of November

B. more than 800 years

C. at the beginning of the fifteenth century

D. by the end of the fifteenth century

62. He had spent ______ in planning for the wonderful voyage .

A. eighteen days B. eighteen months

C. eighteen years D. much time

63. Finally the Spanish king and queen offered him ships and men so that _____.

A. he would have faith in himself

B. he could work out his new plan

C. he could display his courage

D. he could put his plan into practice.

64. He crossed the ocean and discovered strange islands , inhabited ______.

A. by a people unknown to Europeans

B. by a people already known to Europeans

C. by Europeans

D. by his fellow-countrymen

65. After returning to Spain he was hailed as the hero ______.

A. who had conquered(征服)nature

B. who had made an epoch-making discovery

C. who had discovered a new planet

D. who had made a great invention

( B )

The United States became a rich industrial nation toward the end of the 1800s . There were more goods ,more services , more jobs ,and a high standard of living . There was more of everything, including problems .One problem was monopoly(垄断). In some cases ,several companies that made the same product would agree not to compete with one another .They would all agree to charge the same price .These agreements made it impossible for buyers to shop around for lower prices for certain products .

Some people decided that huge companies had too much power and controlled too many markets . Because of their wealth and power , they could see to it that governments passed laws favorable to them . Many people believed that monopoly and price fixing were bad for buyers and bad for the country so that they should be broken up .

Such laws and government action didn’t entirely do away with monopoly. Nor did they stop the growth of huge companies . But they did show the American people had decided that some of the changes that taken place were harmful .

66. From paragraph 1, we can know that big companies ______.

A. produced certain kinds of goods

B. sold the same goods at the different prices

C. formed only one big company

D. reached and agreement on prices

67. Because of the agreements between big companies ,______.

A. people had to buy things at certain shops

B. the prices of their goods were much lower

C. people had no choice but to buy goods at fixed prices

D. there were fewer markets in some states

68. According to the laws passed by the national government , companies _______.

A. were not allowed to control the markets

B. could not force people to buy their products

C. should have fixed prices for their products

D. must produce the same kind of goods for the same markets .

69. Some American people thought that ________.

A. the government should make some of the huge companies much smaller

B. the country’s industry was growing too rapidly

C. shops should have the same price for the same kind of goods

D. their country’s getting rich was both good and bad to the people.

70. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage ?

A. Big companies could not have any effort on the governments .

B. A certain number of markets were still controlled by big companies .

C. Many Americans were worried about the changes in their country.

D. Some of the laws were in favor of buyers .


One afternoon in April , 1912, a new ship set off 71_______________

from England to America on it first trip . It was one of 72_______________

the largest and first ship at that time . 73_______________

It was cold , but the trip was pleasant and people are 74_______________

enjoying themselves . The next day was even cold . People 75_______________

could see icebergs here or there . It was night , suddenly 76_______________

the man on watch shouting “Look out ! Iceberg !” 77_______________

It was too late ,a ship hit the iceberg and came to 78_______________

a stop . There that was a very big hole in the ship and 79_______________

water began to come .Slowly the ship stated to go down . 80_______________


1. explored 2. handful 3. independence 4. created 5. tore 6. worthwhile 7.apart 8. unpleasant 9. objected 10. population

11-15. B C D A B 16-20. C A D B A 21-25. B C D A B 26-30. B B A D C 31-35. D C B D A 36-40. A B C C A

41-45. B C D A C 46-50. C B A D B 51-55. A C B D A 56-60. D A B C B

61-65. D C D A B 66-70. D C A D A

71. √ 72. on it --- on its 73. ship ---ships 74. Are --- were 75. Cold---colder 76. or --- and 77. shouting ---shouted 78. a ship --- the ship 79. that 80. come --- come in

Unit 13 The USA



1.Their wedding yesterday. Many friends came to congratulate them on their marriage.

A.was taken place B.was to happen C.took place D.would hold

2.Since he is ready to help you, you should say“thank you”.

A.at last B.at first C.at most D.at least

3.Mr Smith with his wife goes to the cinema .

A.day by day B.now and again C.here and there D.day and night

4.Drivers,of course,want to travel miles with petrol and


A.many,a little,few B.more,fewer,less

C.more,less,fewer D.many,less,fewer

5.The rain has my new dress.

A.damaged B.hurt C.destroyed D.failure

6.He was sorry to fail again in the driving test. His only was that he was too nervous.

A.reason B.cause C.regret D.failure

7.Good advice is price.

A.over B.cause C.destroyed D.ruined

8.The basin of water won't freeze, the temperature is well above zero.

A.unless B.because C.even if D.as though

9. put the medicine the little boy can't reach it.

A.Do,where B.Don't that C.Just,which D.Do,there

10.Rather than on a crowded bus,he always prefers a bicycle.

A.to ride,riding B.ride,to ride C.ride,ride D.riding ride

11.You can fly to London this evening you don't mind changing planes in


A.except B.if C.until D.unless

12.It's rule that comes home first cooks the dinner for the whole family.

A.who B.somebody who C.whoever D.anybody

13.Beautifully ,the little girl tried to make herself .

A.dressed,noticed B.what will man look like

C.dressed,noticing D.dressed,notice

14.The weather turned out to be very good, was morethan we could expect.

A.what B.which C.that D.if

15.No one can be sure in a million years.

A.what man will look like B.what will man look like

C.man will look like what D.what look will man like


1. my horror,I noticed two men trying to break my office.

2.- the same,I expect you'll come to visit my hometown.

-I'm looking forward that.

3.Farmland is becoming smaller day day several reasons.

4.Don't drive into the bush plenty of water and never throw your cigarette

of the window .

5.We must try all means to get rid flies.

6.Generally speaking,a newly-built house is likely to fall ,

the case of an earthquake.

7. 1920,people from Italy have come to Australia great numbers.

8.The village used to be rather poor.One every three children could

not go to school and most families were debt.

9.-How do farmers round their sheep or cattle?

-It depends the size of their farms.

10.No one has far been brave to enter the forest alone.


1.The long fence is used to keeping out a kind of wild dog.

2.Cattles are kept in some countries mainly for beef.

3.They pay peasants very a little money to work in the fields for them.

4.He had to have a job, or go hunger.

5.Their mother can't afford to feed them to meat and fish every day.

6.New types of plants have been developed in Egypt to grow in desert land.

by hunting, they are very experienced at killing wild animals.

8.In area, Australia is about the same size of the USA, which has more than thirteen times as many people.

9.In Australia fruit and vegetables are grown in areas where is enough water.

10.What surprised me was that he spoke English so well.

11.Mr White slowed down his car, for he saw a blind man cross the road.

12.Why did she keep on wipe her eyes with a damp towel?


Agatha Christie seldom went out at night. She never(1)the night when she met a(2)many years ago.

That evening she was (3)to a birthday party which (4)until 2 o'clock in the

morning.Agatha(5)in the quiet street alone.Suddenly from the shadow(阴影)of a (6)building a tall man with a sharp knife in his right hand (7)out at her.“Good morning,lady,” the man said in a (8)voice,“I don't think you wish to (9)here!”

“What do you(10)?”Agatha asked.

“Your earrings(耳环).Take them off!”

Agatha suddenly had a (11)idea.She tried to cover her necklace (12)the collar(衣领)of her overcoat while she used(13)hand to take off her earrings and then she quickly(14)them on the groud.“Take them(15)let me go.”The robber(16)that the girl didn't care for the earrings at all,only trying to (17)the necklace.He thought the necklace (18)cost more,so he said,“Give me your necklace.”

“Oh,sir,It's(19)worth much.Please let me(20)it.”“Stop rubbish(废话).Quick!”

With (21)hands,Agatha took off her necklace.As soon as the robber (22),she picked up her earrings and ran as (23)as she could to one of her friends.The earrings (24)480pounds and the necklace the robber had taken(25)was worth six pounds.

1.A.minded B.forgot C.remember D.regretted

2.A.friend B.murderer C.robber D.stranger

3.A.invited B.asked C.going D.walking

4.A.delayed B.ended C.began D.lasted

5.A.walked B.drove C.waited D.watched

6.A.small B.dark C.old D.low

7.A.looked B.shouted C.stepped D.ran

8.A.loud B.low C.die D.cry

9.A.suffer B.quarrel C.die D.cry

10.A.like B.mean C.want D.say

11.A.bright B.foolish ny D.safe

12.A.under B.by C.with D.below

13.A.her right B.her left C.the other D.another

14.A.dropped B.put C.laid D.threw

15.A.and B.but C.so D.then

16.A.knew B.saw C.observed D.thought

17.A.wave B.hid C.defend tect

18.A.would B.must C.should uld

19.A.really B.actually C.even D.not

20.A.wear B.keep C.have D.take

21.A.nervous B.little C.shaky D.beautiful

22.A.signed B.permitted C.disappeared D.nodded

23.A.calmly B.quietly C.quick D.fast

24.A.worth B.valued of C.sold st

25.A.away B.out C.off D.down

答案:(一)1-5 C D B C D 6-10A C B A B 11-15B C A B A

(二)1.To,into 2.All,to 3.by,for 4.with,out either 5.by,of 6.less,down,in 7.Since,in 8.in,in 9.up,on 10.so,enough

(三)1.keeping鰇eep 2.Cattles鯟attle 3.去掉a 4.hunger鰄ungry 5.to鰋n 6.对 鯨iving 8.of鯽s 9.is前加there 10.对 11.cross鯿rossing 12.wipe鰓iping

(四)1.B 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.D 8.B 9.C 10.C 11.A 12.C 13.C 14.D 15.A 16.B 17.D 18.A 19.D 20.B 21.C 22.C 23.D 24.D 25.A


Aims and demands:


Importance and difficulty:

Words: gift, value, doubt, so long as, solve


1. There is no doubt about the correct thing to do.

2. It is the duty of everyone in a work unit to report another worker to the manager if he / she does anything wrong, or tell lies.

3. I’m afraid it is quite common that people steal things from their wok place.

4. There is no need to say anything to the other worker.


1. The rooms are being painted now.

2. A new hotel will be built in one month.

3. All the means have been tried, but it is still no use.

4. Supper had been prepared before they came back.

Useful expressions:

1. I’m sorry….

2. I’m afraid……

3. I apologize……

4. Never mind.

5. That’s all right./ OK.

Aims and demands:

Develop the Ss’ four skills : reading , listening, speaking and writing ability.

Importance and difficulty :

Have a deeper understanding of the text.

Teaching aids: a tape recorder and some slides

Teaching methods: reading and understanding

Teaching procedure:

T: What kind of work would you like to do when you leave school / college / university?

Now you are Senior 3 middle school students , half a year later , most of you will go to universities or colleges.

What are you going to do if you are a university / college student?

Ss: Study hard. ( Studying is your full-time job.)

Find a part-time job.

T: What kind of part-time jobs are you going to look for/ be after?

T: If you are studying in a Teachers’ college, then you’d better do the home-teaching for middle school students.

If you are studying in a tourist university , you’d better find a part-time job in a tourist agency ---- to do the guide service to tourists / to show the visitors around.

There are different jobs for you to do in the society. Let’s come to the text and the example is a true story about an Englishman, Fred Pearson, who started the tourist service “Take-a-Guide” in London after leaving Oxford University.

Ffind the answers to the questions:

1. What part-time job is mentioned as an example?

A guide service to tourists.

2. Find one reason for taking a part-time job.

Any of the reasons listed below in part 3.

Read it carefully and do the comprehension exercises: (Unit 16 --- 3B)

I. Main facts:

Tick some good reasons for taking part-time jobs mentioned in the passage.

□ You can be financially (在经济上) independent from your parents.

□ It is good preparation for the outside world.

□ You can learn the value of the money.

□ It greatly helps you with your studies.

□ You learn to work with others in a team.

□ It can surely earn enough money to start your own business after graduation.

□ You have a greater chance of finding a suitable job.

II. Do the note-making .

Find out the reasons for taking a part-time job by completing the following.

1. If you earn money, you will not ____________.

2. If you have money, you can buy ____________.

3. It is good preparation __________.

4. We should learn the value of money and _____________.

5. It is good to learn to work _____________.

6. You will get some _____________.

7. Employers prefer _______________.

8. You will have a greater chance ____________.

III. Further comprehension CBCDCC

1. What’s the passage about?

A. It gives some tips about how to find a suitable part-time job.

B. It tells about how Fred began his part-time job.

C. It proves that taking part-time jobs is really helpful.

D. It’s mainly about the advantages and disadvantages of working part-time.

2. Fred Pearson was going to ___ when a tourist stopped him and asked for directions.

D. visit the university town of Oxford

3. ___ main good reasons for taking part-time jobs are mentioned in the passage.

4. Fred decided to show the tourist around the university town because ____.

A. he was very kind and ready to help others in trouble

B. he wanted to make money by doing it

C. he did not want to listen to the boring lecture

D. he found it enjoyable walking and talking with the tourist

5. Taking part-time jobs is helpful, and it can help students ___.

B. be dependent on their parents

C. prepare themselves for the future

D. get nothing but some work experience

6. What is the writer’s opinion about work?

A. It is boring and unpleasant.

B. It is not enjoyable, but necessary.

C. It is interesting and enjoyable.

Step 3. True or False statements: TFFTT FTTTT

1. Fred Pearson was a student of Oxford University.

2. After the lecture, Fred showed the tourist around the university.

3. Fred spent the whole day with the tourist.

4. Fred earned ten pounds for showing the tourist around.

5. Fred found a good way of making money.

6. When he graduated from the university, Fred started his won business as guide.

7. It is good for a student to begin a part-time job so long as it does not affect your studies.

8. Taking a part-time job has another advantage for learning to work with others in a team.

9. Companies usually prefers to employ experienced workers.

10. If you have done some part-time jobs while studying in the university, it’s easier for you to find a suitable job.

1. Do you think that college students should take part-time jobs? Why / Why not?

2. Make a list of as many different part-time jobs as you can . At the end discuss which job you would like to do most and which job you would hate to do.

3. What do you think of Fred?

Which of these adjectives will you use to describe Fred ? Why?

hard-working------in the morning he worked and in the evenings he studied.

fun-loving------they spent a very enjoyable morning together.

organized------he worked and studied at the same time.

easy-going ------they got on well.

energetic------he worked and studied at the same time; he earned enough money to start his own business.

educated------he passed his exams.

Text book and paper exercises:

1. He found out that he had a gift for making a visit interesting and lively. In other words, he was by nature a good guide.

2. Hard-working------in the morning he worked and in the evenings he studied.

fun-loving------they spent a very enjoyable morning together.

Organized------he worked and studied at the same time.

Easy-going ------they got on well.

Energetic------he worked and studied at the same time; he earned enough money to start his own business.

Educated------he passed his exams.

3. A part-time job which results in a full-time job, or interesting developments.

4. A part-time job; you learn the value of money; you learn to work with others in a team.

5. They value someone who leads and active life and is anxious to learn.

6. To be independent.

Step 6. Rearrange the following events

a. At lunchtime, the tourist thanked him and gave him ten pounds, which was a lot of money in those days.

b. He passed his exams, and even better, when he left university he had warned enough money to start his own business. Offering guide services to tourists.

c. They got on so well that Fred decided not to go to the lecture but to show the tourist around the university instead.

d. Fred realized that he had discovered an interesting and enjoyable way of making money.

e. They spent a full and very enjoyable morning together, and Fred discovered that he had a gift for making a visit interesting and lively.

f. Fred Pearson was walking through the university town of Oxford one morning in 1961.

g. In the evenings, he studied hard for his exams, and most mornings he took tourists around Oxford.

h. He was on his way to his lecture, when a tourist stopped him and asked him for directions. As Fred was going in the same direction, he walked along with the tourist.

Aims and demands:

Review how to write a letter and know develop the Ss’ four skills

Importance and difficulty:

Have a good understanding of the text and let them discuss how to deal with the difficult situation.

Teaching aids: tape recorder and some slides

Teaching procedure:

Step 1. Warming-up : story-telling (listen to the tape )

I’ve been working at a meat factory for about two months now. It’s a part-time job, so I only work evenings. I’ve recently noticed that one of my workmates is stealing. From time to time, I notice that he puts a piece of meat down his trousers just before he leaves the factory. Now the manager has found that things are missing. He says that all this happened after I started work.

What should I do?

Ss: discuss the question.

Read the text ( three letters ) and do the comprehension exercises:

Workbook:------Exercise 2 . True or false

Paper exercise:

D 1. The two friends are writing to ______.

a) tell each other stories B. give each other information

C. persuade each other to change mind D. ask for and give advice

D 2. From John’s letter we can tell that _______.

A. he relies in friends B. he is not brave or independent enough

C. he doesn’t know how to solve the problem D. all of the above

A 3. Which of the following wards has the same meaning as “position” in John’s letter?

A. condition B. attitude C. job D. opinion

A 4. From Marty’s second letter we know he is _______.

A. brave and willing to fight for truth B. selfish

C. understanding, clever and careful D. brave but careless

A 5. The job that is not a part-time job is called ________.

A. a full-time job B. a half-time job C. a full-day job D. a half-day job

B 6. If someone says “ I am afraid that…” he / she is ________.

A. frightened B. polite C. worried D. unhealthy

Practice 4 in page 22 Exercise 3 in page 86

Aims and demands: Deal with the important language points.

Importance and difficulty: Grasp the usage of the language points

Teaching procedure:

Step 1. Deal with the language points

1. Fred showed the tourist around the university instead of going to the lecture.

2. He had a gift for making the visit lively and interesting.

4. It is a good idea to start a part-time job so long as it does not affect your studies.

5. We should learn the value of money and learn how many hours’ work has to be done before we can buy something.

6. The employers value someone who leads an active life and is anxious to learn.

7. It’s a part-time job, so I only work evenings.

8. Maybe I should have told ( tell )that workmate I knew what he was doing. Or possibly I should have gone ( go ) to the manager and told him who was stealing meat.

9. It is quite possible that the thief might pot some meat in your bag, hoping ( hope ) you will be caught and called a thief.

10. In my personal opinion,( 依我个人的意思 ) you should have done this as soon as you found out he was stealing.

11. There is no doubt about ( 对于……没有疑虑/ 怀疑 ) the correct thing to do.

Step 2. Explanation (on the Bb )

3. be anxious to do sth.

be anxious about / for sth.

in the opinion of sb. ( me , her, him , us…… )

11. There is no doubt about…… ( a set phrase ) 对于……没有怀疑/ 疑问

There is no doubt as to …… ( 关于 )

There is no doubt that……

Doubt vt.

Eg. There is no doubt as to the truth of the story. 故事的真实性无可置疑。

There is no doubt that he is a thief.

I doubt whether he will come.

Step 3. Exercises : Fill in the blanks ( Lesson 61~62 )

1. The doctors are anxious about / for his health.

2. I am anxious to have a new car.

3. He is a polite boy, whenever a guest leaves his home, he shows him out.

4. We’d better value the friendship between us.

5. She has a gift for music.

6. Most parents know the value of a good education .

7. You can go out so long as you promise to be back before 9 o’clock.

8. In the opinion of most people, the plan is good. So do I. So I stick to my opinion.

9. He studied days and worked evenings.

10. If your father sees you doing that, you’ll catch it.

11. Yesterday, on his way home, he was caught in the rain.

12. There is no doubt about / as to his honesty.

13. I believe what he said. That means I don’t doubt what he said.

There is no doubt about what he said.

14. The examination turned out easy.

15. The English evening turned out a great success.

16. I should have phoned ( phone ) Jack this morning, but I forgot.

17. The light is on. He must be ( be ) at home.

18. The light is on. He can’t have gone ( go ) out.

19. We could have walked ( walk ) to the station. A taxi wasn’t necessary at all.

20. I shouldn’t have used ( use ) your computer without your permission.

21. She shouldn’t / couldn’t have used ( use ) your computer without your permission.

Step 4. Workbook.






































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