



Summer, I saw "How the Steel Was Tempered", can not help much inspiration. "How the Steel Was Tempered" author - Ostrovsky, born in a worker's family, suffered human suffering, aged 20, attended the party members, led by overwork paralyzed, after the blind, removed his sick bed for nine years, but Just then, the unimaginable difficulties, he did not disheartened, but the pen as a weapon, the literature as their new jobs, start a new struggle and perseverance to write this amazing immortal masterpiece. Text, Ostrovsky shaped hero, Pavel Korchagin, also inspired millions of readers. Pavel Korchagin - a blind, paralyzed people, obstacles in the path of life before the heavy, iron will and their own friends and relatives encouraged courageous struggle with illness, and finally created a "storm agile birth The "this book. Paul's strong and I was touched by the spirit of ceaseless. Imagine if a person blind, he can not see friends around, see this colorful world. He can only rely on the ears to survive, a will, how can ordinary people do? .

Not to mention Paul paralysis of the legs, and could not move his left hand? ! Paul is honest, he was a teenager, because justice, the courage to punish the city of rogue; Paul is a clever, living in prison, he can seize the opportunity to easily make in total ignorance of the enemy and escape the claws; Paul is brave, just join the army, he brandished a knife and horse forward dash, full access to the personal danger and ecstasy kills the spiritual realm; Paul was strong, he was fighting in severe head Burns, in firm support of revolutionary faith, miraculously survived, to continue the war; Paul is great, his life and death struggle with death several times, ultimately to win back their loved ones around and back to comrade's side; in learning, we should learn from Paul not afraid of difficulties, the spirit and assiduously; in life, we should learn from Paul-motivated and not afraid of setbacks in the spirit; in the labor, we should learn from Paul hard-working, perseverance; when we fail, we should follow the example of Paul, analyze the causes and the courage to start again; When we succeed, we should follow the example of Paul, serious, modest, continued efforts ; 'How the Steel Was Tempered "This is a paean to life, a hero in the years of wind and rain to grow, life in the era of the torrent sing. Life can always willing to release nuclear energy, like life, always flashing light, like the friendship of the magnetic field into a life-hwan, like life, emit radio waves of emotion. Hero's soul forever immortal, life will never drop the songs!








(apple,banana,orange,grape,pear),肢体动作(stand up ,sit down,turn left, turn right,turn around,jump,clap your hands)。和你的孩子说英语。尽可能多说话。同时,你最好做、吃、喝、闻、动各种感觉器官。

看看原来的动画片,这是适合儿童年龄段理解的资源。刚开始的时候,最好有父母陪伴。电影中的词语,父母注重记忆,在生活中运用,加深理解。推荐材料:《玛泽的故事》,《peppa pig》《米奇妙妙屋》《巧虎学英语》等,见书p78-82。

阅读家长阅读分级阅读材料。分级阅读材料的语言是书面语,有利于英语口语。推荐《i can read》《ready tu read》p83-88。材料选取原则:故事性,趣味性强。





a recent statistics shows that …


1. 结尾万能公式一:如此结论


obviously(此为过渡短语), we can draw the conclusion that good manners arise from politeness and respect for others.



to sum up, in conclusion, in brief, on account of this, thus


thus, it can be concluded that…, therefore, we can find that…

2. 结尾万能公式二:如此建议


obviously, it is high time that we took some measures to solve the problem.



accordingly, i recommend that some measures be taken.

consequently, to solve the problem, some measures should be taken.




in order to attract more customers, advertisers have adopted every possible simulative factor in ****** ads, such as sound, light, colours, cartoon films and human performance. for instance, to advertise a certain food, advertisers will ask an actor or actress to sit at a table and devour the seemingly delicious food while they fime him or her.


to take … as an example, one example is…, another example is…, for example





in comparison, likewise, similarly, in the same manner


on the other hand, conversely, whereas, while, instead, nevertheless, in contrast, on the contrary, compared with …, …



实际就是重复重复再重复!下面的句子实际上就三个字 i love you!

i am enthusiastic about you. that is to say, i love you.

i am wild about you. in other words, i have fallen in love with you.


i cannot bear it.

可以用短语表达:i cannot put up with it.

因此可以这样说:i cannot bear it. that is to say, i cannot put up with it or i am fed up with it.


in more difficult language, in ******r words, put it more simply

after reading at the tailor’s shop

the text at the tailor’s shop tellls us a truth :in capitali** countries, money means everything. that is to say, if you have money,you have everything without money, you have nothing.

it is partly true in our socialist country. indeed money is necessary and important. but there is something more important.

that is the loving care. it is because of the loving care that the poor children are able to have the chance to go on with their schooling. it is because of the loving care that orphans are able to be taken good care of therefore, i do not think money means everything in our country.

compared with the fact that took place at the tailor’s shop, living in a socialim country is a good fortune. we should treasure our happy.



在第二段中,作者使用了三个"it is because… "的排比句,具体阐述"loving care"的重要性.这样突出了文章的主题,使作者要表达的思想得到了强调.






《失落的世界》,作者正是以 “福尔摩斯” 系列侦探小说而闻名于世的柯南•道尔.关于作者,恐怕已是妇孺皆知,无人不晓了.然而人们通常只暗熟于他作为一名杰出的侦探小说家,却未必注意到他同样也是一名出色的科幻作家,《失落的`世界》正是他科幻作品中的代表之作,业已成为科幻经典而供后人无尽鉴赏品评.

"The lost world", the author is known to the world as the "Holmes" series of detective novels by Conan Doyle. About the author, I'm afraid it's been even woman and children all know, unmanned not dawn. However, people usually only dark ripe to him as a great detective novelist, but may not notice he is also a good the science fiction writer, "the lost world" is a representative of his science fiction works of science fiction, has become a classic and for future generations of endless appreciation evaluation.


Imagination is more important than knowledge, has the imagination is to obtain a precious wealth, is to have the power to transform the world, we can always keep a childlike innocence from the undying. When we feel a solemn and mysterious at the same time, we are also learning to shake off the dust on clothes, let once dark gloomy eyes glow glory, let a rigid mind again into the source of creativeness. So, we fix for, insightful, the mood will have been improved. Our understanding of the real world will become more and more profound, clear and accurate.























Love, what a familiar words, in everyone's heart has a pure love, love is selfless, love is boundless, only live in the ocean of love, to love. And I read the "love education" this book, I truly understand the realm of love.

It contained everywhere permeated with love novel exudes the kind of deep and rich emotional strength is really very great. "Love education" introduces the Italian child amway ko in a school year ten months is written diary, containing the classmate of love between, between siblings, love, love between children and parents, teachers and students of love between, love for the motherland, make people read like growing up in the arms of love.

Through the ages, how many love stories of love,, love is everywhere. We was born, is immersed in the ocean of love, the love of parents and grandparents love. Gradually grow up, go to school, the teacher's love, love the students. Love is like air, love is all around us, we never leave it, leave the love, is the man with no soul. Love can make people rescue, can make the prodigal son, love can inspire boundless power.

Happy is love, so that we can grow up healthily, is love, to give our warm heart. Great is the love between people, love is forgiveness, love and tolerance. Love is the source of education, and education are closely linked. Many feel a love, is a more warmth; Give much a love, more joy. In the future days, let us together bathed in the sea of love.









"Awaken the giant," a book by an American writer Anthony Robbins, even though he is a poor poor, troubled life, lad, but since he found heart contain the unlimited potential, life begins to transform, to become a confident of success. Now, he is a self-made billionaire, career success, is now the most successful world class potential development experts.

This book mainly introduced several aspects. Have emotions, health, relationships, money, time, five aspects. In this book you will know why you will have some kind of behavior, why could cause some kind of emotional response, step by step, and then learn how to effectively create a positive belief, to remove the negative point of view, to fully exert your potential, to achieve the expectant life. Start from oneself first, and then extended to the people around you, you will find what is your highest value, what is your most desired goals, you should use what kind of the rules of the game of life, and how to position to other people. When you are familiar with the techniques of interpersonal relationship, can easily build best relationship with people, and benefits from it. From my point of view, the greatest wealth in life is to interpersonal relations, because the ability to open it for you every door, can make you grow and grow, continuously contribute to society. If you want to have a successful life, the second lesson to learn is how to control the good of their health, not only look healthy and also really think health, completely can hold their own physical condition, make have energy to achieve the desired life. Want money on security, first of all, would you want to change the cause of your lack of, for wealth to form a correct understanding and values, and then held such ideas to expand wealth. Any great things need long time to complete, but how many of us actually know the time of use? In this I do not want with you to talk about time management, but should you pay attention to the use of time, not easy waste, you must make time to become you success life friends rather than enemies.

I always believe that decide the key of life is not the taste of our environment. But we decided to how to face. It's really simple, is today have been determined, exactly in the next ten years or more at the back of the day to become what kind of a person. It doesn't matter if you don't plan to make such a decision. In fact you have made the decision, is willing to give his life to the environment, allowing it to dominate. Of course when you make a decision after don't regard it as child's play, and have to go all out to achieve. Another important thing is not to easy or simply never don't give yourself any excuse "difficult", "no background", the lack of "degree", "no chance", even "age is too old or too young. Because these excuses are not reason, it will only give full play to the limit one and even ruin your life.

In fact, there are a lot of the details of the daily work and life, as long as the slightly change the adjustment, you can get more positive, more happy feelings, will have unexpected harvest. We just without special training, the vast majority of people did not notice these details, more think that it should be adjusted to change these details, what is a pity.

Person's life goes through childhood, youth, youth, maturity, old age. Although people don't know when internal energy can be released, but for in each age group. Only cherish life, to grasp the good in every day, don't give up any a chance, calmly deal with all kinds of difficulties and challenges. Can one with such a psychological preparation, killed ChengXiang, become favorable factors unfavorable factors for at any time, in the heart of the giant to be awakened at an early date, we can succeed at an early date. ?

Most people among us have great potential ability, most of the time but this potential is in a state of sleep, objective existence once awakened, will make many amazing things. I think ambition is a natural, no need to pass the day after tomorrow efforts and improvement. Life is precious, it gives us all proprietary rights, opportunities and responsibilities. We have only one choice to awaken the dormant "giant" release those hidden, the truest, the most abundant energy, resources, the firm faith, can bear rich fruit finally.








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